This project includes n.3 Mobile ECO-Hoppers with a capacity of 130 m3 each unit.
From engineering to assembly, including manufacturing and mechanical works.
Every step of the manufacturing has been executed in our workshop.
The assembly of the complete n.3 ECO-Hoppers, has been done in our seaport area located in “Costa Morena” – Brindisi, ready to be loaded on the vessel.
Category: Material Handling
Customer: Liebherr
MATERIAL: Carbon Steel / Stainless Steel
Location: Philippines
INFO: 235 Tons / each unit
These ECO-Hoppers have been designed to have a capacity of 130 m3.
Once the material is thrown into the hopper, it falls onto a conveyor belt, with adjustable speed, and is dropped into a duct that will feed 2 further smaller ducts.
Then the material will be unloaded onto the plant belts or onto trucks.
The ECO-Hoppers are equipped with filters, necessary for the abatement of dust.
Furthermore,we developed a control panel which is able to manage the whole machine and let the operator adjust almost any component of it.
Project Result
Once the assembly of the whole unit is completed, it is tested in all its parts, including the automation ones.
The phases subsequent to those of delivery to the customer are the maintenance and assistance with installation on the destination site.