Design and supply of pressure reduction skid with cables and junction boxes.
Manufactured and fully assembled in our workshop for tests.
Category: Oil & Gas
Customer: Various
MATERIAL: Carbon Steel
INFO: 36mtx12mt – 60 tons containerized skid delivery
For this pressure reduction skid we have supplied the engineering starting from the process.
It was also included the supply of materials, manufacturing, assembly and FAT.
The entire gas reduction system has been developed to be used in industrial and medical gas production.
Project Result
For the realization of this project, we used automatic welding procedures, with subsequent heat treatment of the same welds and non-destructive tests in phase. The painting was performed with a cycle suitable for areas with high percentage of humidity and salinity.
The skid has been designed to be disassembled in 3 macro-pieces, suitable for transport, and to be easily assembled on site.